Monday, March 21, 2011

Classic-typical of CI-BI Student. Half of me!

This is the data from a group I join at facebook, Grup Anak CIBI Indonesia. May you can take insight by this.

Ciri umum anak CIBI

Hasil penelitian dari Balitbang Depdikbud (1986) dan Council of Curriculum Examinations and Assessment (2006) menyebutkan bahwa seorang anak cerdas istimewa dapat mempunyai beberapa dari ciri-ciri berikut ini:
  1. Sangat peka dan waspada
  2. Belajar dengan mudah dan cepat
  3. Mampu berkonsentrasi
  4. Sangat logis
  5. Cepat berespon secara verbal dengan tepat
  6. Lancar berbahasa
  7. Mempunyai daya ingat yang baik
  8. Mempunyai pengetahuan umum yang luas
  9. Mempunyai minat yang luas dan mendalam
  10. Memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang besar terhadap ilmu pengetahuan
  11. Cermat atau teliti dalam mengamati
  12. Kemampuan membaca yang baik
  13. Lebih menyukai kegiatan verbal daripada kegiatan tertulis
  14. Mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengatasi masalah dengan sangat cepat
  15. Memiliki kemampuan memikirkan beberapa macam pemecahan masalah
  16. Menunjukkan cara pemecahan masalah yang tidak lazim
  17. Mempunyai pendapat dan pandangan yang sangat kuat terhadap suatu hal
  18. Mempunyai rasa humor
  19. Mempunyai daya imajinasi yang hidup dan orisinil
  20. Ulet menghadapi kesulitan (tidak lekas putus asa)
  21. Mempunyai tujuan yang jelas dalam tiap kegiatan atau perbuatannya
  22. Tidak memerlukan dorongan (motivasi) dari luar
  23. Tertarik pada topik-topik yang berkaitan dengan anak-anak yang berusia lebih tua darinya
  24. Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik dengan orang dewasa, bahkan lebih baik daripada jika berkomunikasi dengan anak sebayanya
  25. Bisa belajar sendiri dalam bidang-bidang yang diminati
  26. Berfokus pada minatnya sendiri, bukan pada apa yang diajarkan
  27. Mempunyai keterampilan sosial
  28. Mudah bosan pada hal-hal yang dianggapnya rutin
  29. Menunjukkan kepemimpinan yang tinggi
  30. Kadang-kadang tingkah lakunya tidak disukai orang lain.   
 Let's review one by one and prove the point into the real. Honestly yes I was. Some points are mine. Whether it's fact or not, but that's what I am. Hehe. I won't explain over all, I'll take some points I thought it is important. Watch out peeps!

a. I prefer to have a verbal class than a written class.
It happens really and this is being my mind-set that I am not enough good at written or formally class. The written class definitely boring and limit the students to refresh up their mind with the new atmosphere. BOOKS-PEN-MODULE-BOOKS-PEN-MODULE.. Argh they are so disgusting. I don't know why our government still in line to do this way in increasing what they call 'national educational system'. They should take a shot with some countries who applies the new and more effective border of teaching, yes. I beg you change !!!! The formal won't give me a chance to raise up my imagination and just forcing me to believe the liberal scientist theory but actually I am not.

speak is better than grumble

b. I have more interest to have a talk with the older one and discussing  the national topic.
I say big YES for getting an topic and discussing about that with the older one or at least she/he is enough mature. No matter some say I'm so classic or mind-aging. Haha.. Politics, global issues, figure, law,  I keen on them!

c. I hate the routines and bored easily.
I need mood boosters when I was changing to be an statue, bored, mindless, bad mood, and all the things about ROUTINES. Wake up, go to school, open a damn-book, make a little note, day dreaming, having a superb talk with my class mate, gossip, watch (only watch no more!) the teacher then say : What is actually she do there? None give her attention (maybe some). 

d. HUMOR is my style. Don't drop any comment !
Haha.. You can ask all of my friends, am I that curious? am I that humorous? I make sure they will say YES. I love humor. This is my way to express my mind or my disturbing-ideas. I love to shape myself to be loved. I love to make my friends laugh over because they like my humor. I love to build a warm condition when we are laughing and joking each other. Shortly, this is my output to throw away my stress and all of the school thingy who presses me so much.

Black and white of me

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